Narcissus Choice Hybrids (Also Daffodil)


Narcissus Choice Hybrids (Also Daffodil)

$3.62 / packet

In stock


In our gardens in Devon we grow numerous of the choicest daffodil and narcissus varieties that are available, many of them with famous names. They have varying flowering times and a multitude of shapes and colours, and most are gently fragrant. Many of these do not produce viable seeds and some that do are very frugal. We carefully collect every single seed pod of the finest forms, some having only 2 or 3 fertile seeds, and offer them here, where you will receive a choice selection.

Sowing Advice

Sow seeds at any time, covering them very thinly with compost or grit, keeping the seed pot in a cool, well-lit spot outdoors. Artificial heat is not needed and can prevent germination so be very patient as many species will only germinate in the spring after chilling or freezing in the moist seed pot in the winter. Grow on individual seedlings in small pots until of sufficient size to be potted on or planted out into the open ground.

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Key Facts


Common name:DAFFODIL

Classification:Hardy bulb


Packet Content:10 (Approx)

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