Hippophae Rhamnoides


Hippophae Rhamnoides

$4.26 / packet

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One of the most unusual shrubs in the UK, this beauty bears willow-like leaves, arranged tight to the branches. Both male and female plants occur, but only the females bear the amazing solid clusters of soft golden berries. These are famous for their many health benefits and are most commonly used in herbal teas. It is also making its way in to some of the most adventurous chef’s kitchens, becoming a very popular alternative in household recipes. With a sweet, sharp flavour, the berries add a fresh twist to many recipes, and also make a refreshing health juice drink. Some studies have also shown that it can help with cardiovascular, memory, growth, anti-inflammatory, and skin health. The berries are popular in Denmark, especially in home made pies and jams, where they are an alternative to more traditional berries. A powerful antioxidant, the berries are sometimes called Nature’s most balanced fruit, full of vitamins and minerals such as, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, K, P and also omeaga 3, 6, 7 and 9. In ancient times, both leaves and young branches were fed to horses to support weight gain and also appearance of the coat. This lead to the name of the genus, Hippophae derived from hippo (horse), and phaos (shining)>

Sowing Advice

Seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and cold-stored for several months. Sow into well-drained, sandy compost at any time of year, cover to their own depth with sand or grit. No artificial heat is needed; seed tray is best left in a cool protected spot and kept moist. Seeds usually germinate in spring, regardless of when sown.

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Key Facts


Common name:Sea Buckthorn

Classification:Hardy shrub


Packet Content:8 (Approx)

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